“明珠之光”国际法学科系列讲座:HKIAC and HKIAC 2018 Administered Arbitration Rules




主题:HKIAC and HKIAC 2018 Administered  Arbitration Rules

主讲人:SarahGrimmer  香港国际仲裁中心秘书长

主持人:杜涛   华东政法大学国际法学院副院长、教授





SarahGrimmer is Secretary-General of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. Shewas formerly senior Legal Counsel at the permanent Court of Arbitration [PCA] whereshe acted as register in several inter-State arbitrations under the Law of theSea Convention and served as tribunal secretary in multiple investment treatyarbitrations and contract-based claims.

Priorto joining the PCA, Sarah Grimmer Served as Assistant Counsel at the ICCInternational Court of Arbitration in Paris. She was also a member of theinternational arbitration group at Shearman & Sterling LLP in Paris, priorto which she worked in private practice in Auckland. In 2015,Sarah wasappointed to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Disciplinary Board. She is amember of the ICCA-ASIL Task Force on Damages[2016],ICCA PublicationsCommittee[2015],the IBA Investment Arbitration Subcommittee[2014],New ZealandICC Arbitration Committee[2014],and the IBA Arb40 steering Committee[2013].