武汉大学Ignacio de la Rasilla睿思来教授系列讲座通知


武汉大学Ignacio de la Rasilla(睿思来教授

China and International Dispute Settlement系列讲座通知











  1. 该课程将探讨中国在海洋法和新领域对国际裁决解决机制的“探索性适应”。特别是,我们将讨论中国与《联合国海洋法公约》(UNCLOS)争端解决机制(包括国际海洋法法庭)以及新兴国际裁决领域(包括国际环境法、跨国刑法、网络空间法和外层空间法)的关系。


Prof. Dr. Ignacio De La Rasilla(睿思来),西班牙人,国家级特聘专家,武汉大学韩德培讲席教授,国家高端智库武汉大学国际法治研究院首席专家,国家千人计划特聘专家、二级教授、博士生导师,Chinese Journal of Transnational LawSAGE出版社)主编。

De La Rasilla教授曾求学于西班牙马德里康普顿斯大学(法学学士LL.B)、瑞士日内瓦国际关系及发展高等研究院( The Geneva Graduate Institute 国际法硕士M.A、博士Ph.D)、美国哈佛大学(法学硕士LL.M)和意大利欧洲大学学院(European University Institute马克斯·韦伯博士后Post-Doctoral Max Weber Fellow in Law)。

Prof. Dr. De La Rasilla在研项目包括The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law (编著、剑桥大学出版社)、Histories of International Law in China. All Under Heaven?(编著、牛津大学出版社)。

Prof. Dr. De La Rasilla已出版英文独著两本:International Law and History – Modern Interfaces.(剑桥大学出版社)和In the Shadow of Vitoria – A History of International Law in Spain (1770-1953)Brill Publishers/Martinus Nijhoff 荷兰博睿出版社),主编了书籍三本Experiments in International Adjudication (剑桥大学出版社)、Islam and International Law – Historical Explorations(荷兰博睿出版社)和Historia del Pensamiento Internationalista Espanol Thomson Reuters汤森路透出版社)。

De La Rasilla教授在世界一流期刊、书籍上发表了80余篇论文,如权威性SSCI英文源刊《欧洲国际法论刊》European Journal of International Law(SSCI)、《莱顿国际法论刊》Leiden Journal of International Law (SSCI)、《国际争端解决杂志》Journal of International Dispute Settlement(SSCI)、《人权法评论》Human Rights Law Review(SSCI)、《中国国际法论刊》Chinese Journal of International Law(SSCI)、《法律与历史评论》Law and History Review(SSCI)、《亚太法律评论》Asia Pacific Law Review (SSCI)、《国际宪法学论刊》International Journal of Constitutional Law(SSCI)等等。

De La Rasilla教授曾在哈佛大学欧洲法研究中心、哈佛大学全球法律与政策研究所、哈佛大学皇家学院、美国布朗大学沃森国际问题研究所、剑桥大学劳特派特国际法研究中心、马克思普朗克比较公法和国际公法研究中心、马克思普朗克欧洲法律史研究中心、瑞士日内瓦国际关系及发展高等研究院、马克思普朗克国际与欧洲程序法研究中心丹麦icourt研究中心等任访问学者。

Prof. Dr. De La Rasilla主持并承担了英国社会科学院(The British Academy)的课题“British International Lawyers and the Rise and Fall of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939)”、哈佛大学全球法律和政策研究所的研究项目“Islamic Tradition of International Law – History of International Law, 1550-1700 & Medieval International Law”、布鲁内尔大学的研究项目“The Fourth Wave of International Adjudication in the Age of Global Governance”等等。他还参与了德国马克斯·普朗克中心、欧盟委员会、西班牙教育、科学、技术部和经济与竞争力部资助的一些课题。

De La Rasilla教授曾在美国纽约大学、英国布鲁内尔大学和法国里尔天主教大学担任终身或客座教授,为本科生和研究生开设了诸如国际公法、国际刑事司法、国际人权法、比较反恐怖主义法和人权、欧盟法、英国公法、全球治理与国际法治、国际法与中国等课程。









  • 提高对中国不同专业国际法制度方式的理解,以及当代中国与国际法律秩序的多方面关系的本质

  • 提高它们对现有的主要国际法院和法庭及其判例法以及在国际法的不同专门领域内和平解决国际争端的不同机制和方法的了解。

series lectures by Prof.Dr. De La RasillaChina and International Dispute Settlement

  1. Introduction

The traditional perception in international legal and policy circles is that China is averse to international adjudication, broadly understood as the settlement of international disputes by adjudicative means whether through independent third-party arbitrators or judges on the basis of international law. However, on a closer look China’s approach to international adjudication has ‘gradually shifted from outright rejection of legal methods of international dispute settlement towards greater acceptance of it in certain contexts’ in recent years.

This course will discuss the gradual shift from outright rejection of legal methods of international dispute settlement towards greater acceptance of it in certain contexts on the part of China in recent years using a tripartite typology:

  • Firstly, the course will address China’s ‘minor softening of its traditional strategic detachment’ from some international adjudicative systems in general public international law, international criminal law and international human rights law. In particular, we will discuss China’s relationship with the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and also the UN Human Rights Treaty Body system.

  • Secondly, the course will address China's ‘deepening engagement’ with adjudicative systems in the areas of international trade law and international commercial and investment law. In particular, we will discuss China’s relationship with the World Trade Organization Appellate Body, investor-state international resolution mechanisms and also the China International Commercial Court.

  • Thirdly, the course will address China’s ‘exploratory accommodation’ to international adjudicative settlement mechanisms in the law of the sea and in newer areas. In particular, we will discuss China’s relationship with the dispute settlement mechanism of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) including the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) but also emerging areas of international adjudication including international environmental law, transnational criminal law, cyber-space law and outer-space law.

The course fleshes out this classification by examining the roots of both historical and

contemporary attitudes underlying China's asymmetrical and regime-specific approach to international adjudication and its preference for non-judicialized methods of international dispute settlement (i.e. negotiation, good offices, mediation) with reference to Chinese major diplomatic and policy initiatives including the ‘Community of Shared Future for Mankind’ and the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’.

By taking this course, students will:

  • Improve their understanding of China’s approach to international legal system throughout different specialized international legal regimes and the nature of the contemporary multifaceted relationship of China with the international legal order

  • Improve their knowledge of the main existing International Courts and Tribunals and their case-law and of the different mechanisms and methods of peaceful international dispute settlement across different specialized areas of international law.

  1. Course Schedule

Time: 24 October 2023 – 27 October 2023

Tuesday to Friday ,930 – 1230

Lecturer:Prof. Dr Ignacio de la Rasilla, MA, PhD (Geneva), LLM (Harvard)

Han Depei Chair in International Law and ‘One Thousand Talents Plan’ Professor, Wuhan University

Venue:No.4 conference hall, JiaoYi Building, ECUPL Changning campus

  1. Professor’s Introduction

Prof. Dr. Ignacio DE LA RASILLA holds the Han Depei Chair in International Law and he is One Thousand Talents Plan Distinguished Professor at the Wuhan University School of Law - Institute of International Law and a Chief Expert of the Wuhan University Academy of International Law and Global governance, (National Top Think Tank) in China. He is also the co-editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Transnational Law (SAGE, 2023).

He was educated in Spain (LL.B., 5 years – qualifying law degree exempted from bar examination, University Complutense of Madrid); Switzerland (MA and PhD, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva), United States of America (LLM, Harvard Law School; Fellow in Global Governance, Law and Social Thought, Brown University) and Northern-Italy (Post-Doctoral Max Weber Fellow in Law, European University Institute, Florence).

Prof. Dr. DE LA RASILLA is the author of two research monographs in international law published by Cambridge University Press (2021, awarded the Han Depei Law Book Price in 2021) and Brill / Nijhoff (2017). He is the co-editor of five edited volumes published by Cambridge University Press (2019 and 2024, forth.), Oxford University Press (2025, forth.), Brill/Nijhoff (2017) and Thompson Reuters (2013). He is also the author of circa 80 peer-reviewed journal law articles and book chapters in international law subjects including in leading academic journals such as the European Journal of International Law (2) (SSCI); International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI); Leiden Journal of International Law (3) (SSCI); Journal of International Criminal Justice (SSCI); Law and History Review (SSCI); Journal of International Dispute Settlement (SSCI); ICSID Review – Journal of International Investment Law (SSCI); Human Rights Law Review (SSCI);  Chinese Journal of International Law (SSCI); The Legal History Review (SSCI); Asia Pacific Law Review (SSCI); Asian Journal of International Law (ESCI); Journal of the History of International Law (2) (ESCI);); International Criminal Law Review (ESCI); International Community Law Review (3) (ESCI); Nordic Journal of International Law; Transnational Legal Theory;Rechtsgeschichte–Legal History (Rg)and many others as well as several peer-review book chapters in specialized peer-reviewed edited collections published by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Brill/Nijhoff etc. He has also edited three international law journal symposia (EJIL, 2020; AYBIL, 2012; GJIL, 2012) and has both translated and prologued several academic books on international law and relations from English into Spanish.

Prof. Dr. DE LA RASILLA has been awarded visiting  fellowship appointments at research centres in the United States of America (Harvard Law School’s European Law Centre, 2007; Institute of Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School, 2010; Royal College Complutense at Harvard University, 2007 & 2011; The Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, 2009-2010); The United Kingdom (The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge University, 2014); Germany (The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg in 2015 and in 2023); The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt, 2014); Switzerland (The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2016) Luxembourg (Max Planck Institute for European and International Procedural Law, 2017), France (Sciences Po, Paris – waived, 2012), Italy (The Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice – waived, 2020), Denmark (iCourts – waived, 2018) and Spain (Royal Institute of European Studies – University San Pablo CEU, 2023).  

He has held permanent or visiting teaching positions in American (Adjunct Prof., New York University, La Pietra, 2012) British (Assistant and, then, Associate Prof., Brunel University London, 2012-2018) French (Visiting Prof., Catholic University of Lille, 2010-2018) and Chinese (Visiting Prof., Wuhan University, 2017; AALCO-China, Teaching Program, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing, 2019; Visiting Prof. East Central University of Law and Political Science, Shanghai 2023) universities teaching a variety of undergrad and graduate courses: Public Law (British Constitutional and Administrative Law); European Union Law; global governance; international adjudication and different areas of public international law including international criminal law and international human rights law.

Prof. DE LA RASILLA has been invited to present his research on international law at numerous universities across Europe, Asia and North-America in over 90 occasions. He is listed as a foreign arbitrator in the VI China Guangzhou Arbitration Commission (2021-2026), the Zhuhai Court of International Arbitration (2021) and the Xi’an Arbitration Commission (2022). He also serves on the Foreign Expert Advisory Committee of the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Settlement (2019-2023) at the Beijing Institute of Technology jointly built with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

Prof. Dr DE LA RASILLA is a Spanish national and an EU citizen. He is proficient in Spanish (mother tongue), English, French and Italian and he is currently learning Mandarin. For more information and list of publications, please visit: www.ignaciodelarasilla.com

  1. Course Syllabus

  1. 24 October, Tuesday.  Introduction to China’s evolving approach to International Adjudication with a focus on China’s contemporary relationship with the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and also the UN Human Rights Treaty Body system.

  1. 25 October, Wednesday. Focus on China's ‘deepening engagement’ with adjudicative systems in the areas of international trade law and international commercial and investment law: The World Trade Organization Appellate Body, investor-state international resolution mechanisms and the China International Commercial Court.

  1. 26 October, Thursday. Focus on China ‘exploratory accommodation’ to international adjudicative settlement mechanisms in the law of the sea and in newer areas including international environmental law, transnational criminal law, cyber-space law and outer-space law.

  1. 27 October, Friday. Factors playing in favour and against China’s current asymmetrical and regime-specific approach to international adjudication. China’s potential contributions to the future of international dispute settlement. General conclusions and in-class open debate.